musings from tanzania

all about my masters internship

We left the house 24 hours ago, but he is still in a plane over the ocean March 14, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephanie @ 9:21 am

Brian’s visit was woooonnnnddderfuulll.  We went to my places of work, the beach, the bookstore, the craft market, the produce market, the archeology museum, the village museum, the mall (and the South African version of Target), the laundromat/internet cafe and so much more! We gave some US toys to some of my favorite local kids and took plenty of bajaj, daladala and taxi rides (the bajaj rides being our favorite–they also have the coolest name, with “daladala” as a close second). We bought water, vegetables, soda and gross gum from small local shops who’s owners I have befriended. Much to Brian’s delight, we ate at some interesting local restaurants. Much to my delight, we ate at some international restaurants. And twice when we were yelled at by locals (who were ultimately trying to get money from us in some way) I remembered that groups of white people look like tourists while alone I can typically pull off the expat thing. People can be really disgusting when they crave money (even when it’s just to meet their basic needs). It’s hard to feel like we need to give every random passerby money, when I’m paying to volunteer here and Brian came for a week, leaving all of his clothes and plenty of toys behind.

Anyway, after an attempt at going to Zanzibar on Tuesday, we both decided we would be happier doing what we always do together, exploring friendly local places and learning about each other’s lives. We stayed closer to home which gave Brian a much better understanding of my daily life here! It was wonderful. Though I know Dar es Salaam is not the first place he would have picked to spend his spring break, it will be fantastic to have some shared understanding of my daily life as we talk over the next couple months.

I’ve posted a couple pictures below, though there are many more. All of them are on facebook. If you are not my facebook friend, feel free to friend me. If you aren’t on facebook, you can email me ( There is supposedly some way I can email you a link to the pictures on facebook still.

Outside my apartment

Giving some adorable neighbor kids their first yo-yo

Brian with Kadope, the Exec Officer of WAMATA Dar

On a related note, as of tomorrow, I am halfway done with my time in Tanzania. My mixed feelings have temporarily faded, and I’m ready to go home. I’m sure this is normal based on Brian’s visit (and departure). Soon I will be enveloped by my independent life here and my feelings will be (at least somewhat) mixed. I’m not going to lie… I’m somewhat anxious to get home, get a job, get an apartment, move all my things to one place and be stationary indefinitely. I don’t know how long I’ll stay wherever I land next (probably Austin, San Antonio, Temple or Houston–in order of preference) but I look forward to not moving, not house-searching, not church-searching, not storing things, not arguing with insurance companies (as much), not learning a new transportation system and not living across the world from the people I love, among other things. For those of you who haven’t known me real long, in the last seven years I’ve lived in 7 cities, across 4 states and 3 countries, all very much by choice. Don’t get me wrong, I love exploring. And I’m going to explore and explore and explore for the next two months. But after that, I’m done for a little while (hopefully).

I don’t know how I’m going to get back to work tomorrow… I’m going to bed now. I’ll call it an early night so I will hopefully be able to get myself awake and motivated early tomorrow morning. Night! (Or morning, or afternoon, as the case may be.)


2 Responses to “We left the house 24 hours ago, but he is still in a plane over the ocean”

  1. Brian Says:

    Where you are is ALWAYS my first choice in where to spend my Spring Break. Still I’ve slept maybe 4-5 half hour segments in the last 35 hours. Could be 40 before I hit the bed.

  2. Tanya Voss Says:

    I hope it wasn’t too bad getting back in the groove. Glad Brian was able to come visit.

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